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International Women Circle

For future (and actual) female leaders

Find your focus, in the heart of nature, under the Portuguese sun.

Welcome to a transformative experience tailored exclusively for accomplished women seeking personal growth, rejuvenation, and personal connection. Nestled within the sun-kissed beauty of Portugal, the 'Monte dos Três Moinhos' estate sets the stage for an unforgettable journey of self-discovery and empowerment.

Over the course of three enchanting days, you will embark on a profound exploration, surrounded by a sisterhood of like-minded professionals who understand the nuances of your journey.

Our retreat is designed to ignite your inner strength and inspire balance in all aspects of your life. As you enter this sacred space, you will find yourself embraced by a community of ambitious women, all driven by a shared desire for personal and professional growth.

Here, collaboration and support reign supreme, as we collectively seek to elevate each other to new heights of success. All this, while we are taking care of YOU!

Why a retreat for female professionals?

Ambitious female professionals often lead demanding and fast-paced lifestyles, constantly striving for success and growth. While these qualities can propel them closer to their goals, they can also present challenges in terms of balance, well-being, and personal fulfillment.

A retreat in Portugal, specifically designed for ambitious female professionals, offers a valuable opportunity to escape the daily grind and reconnect with oneself. Here are a few reasons why such a retreat can be invaluable:

1. Reflection and self-discovery: A retreat provides a serene and inspiring environment to delve deep within oneself, rediscover goals, values, and passions, and connect with inner strength

2. Balance and well-being: During the retreat, you can focus on restoring balance in your life, identifying healthy habits, and finding ways to achieve both personal and professional fulfillment.

3. Community and connection: Sharing experiences with like-minded professionals offers the chance to network, exchange insights, learn from each other's successes and challenges, and receive valuable support and inspiration.

In summary, a retreat in Portugal for ambitious female professionals, surrounded by a group of like-minded individuals, provides a valuable opportunity for reflection, finding balance, connecting with others, and finding inspiration. It is an investment in yourself and your growth, both personally and professionally.

Check our Program

16 – 19 November 2023
19 – 22 september 2024

799 EUR

English and Portuguese

Practical Information

The three-day professional retreat is small-scale and exclusive. This means, groups exist of a minimum of three and a maximum of eight participants on our estate in Portugal. The group will be the only guests there, to guarantee attention and social safety.

The costs of the three-day course are € 799 (excl. VAT). This includes:

  • full use of the 9 hectare estate

  • full-time guidance by the coaches

  • a three nights stay (for €40 per night extra you have the room to yourself), extensible to 4 nights

  • every day breakfast, lunch and dinner, freshly made and served

  • coffee breaks, snacks and all drinks, etc

  • use of the work spaces, materials, swimming pool

  • additional activities, such as yoga class, kickboxing or salsa dancing

  • pick up from and drop off to Faro airport, about an hour's drive away.

Only the travel costs are for yourself and that also offers you the opportunity to possibly add some vacation days to it.

NEW Optional: Extend your stay and have a four-day retreat for just a 100€ extra.

For more information
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