A Bit About Me
Hans Lodders (56) was born in Wassenaar-NL. Before anything, he is a proud father of two gorgeous daughters, both in their path to discover how to make a positive impact in a world in crises. Surrounded by the love of his family and long lasting friendships, he is an inspiring exemple of the human connection power.
As a professional, Hans has a background in Business Administration and Innovation and a Master’s degree in Media and Innovation (2018). As an independent consultant and project manager, governments and organizations frequently ask him to supervise sector-wide innovations, whereby various stakeholders work together to set up new organizations and develop innovative services. He is also a business coach for students as well as starting and social entrepreneurs. Until now, he has worked on almost 50 projects during his 25-year career.
All this experience is now at QXote service, as he moved to Alentejo, in Portugal, and, together with his wife, Sunamita, started the dream of a new company. Our CEO brings to QXote his endless energy and curiosity, broad experience in multiple areas of interest, an enormous practical sense, and the eternal search for new and provocative challenges.
Sunamita Borges Da Costa

A Little More About Me
Brazilian by birth, from Pernambuco with great pride, Sunamita Borges da Costa (37) comes from a humble and warmhearted family where she learned from an early age that education is the growth path. She considers Sergio and Sandra, her parents, the greatest school life has given her.
A teacher by vocation, she is passionate about knowledge exchange and its ability to generate individual and collective transformation. First in her family to go to college, Sunamita is now a Master’s in Development, Environment, and Sustainability (2011) and a Ph.D. in Geography of Innovation (2018). In this path, she became a professor with twenty years of work at multiple educational levels and an experienced researcher and academic supervisor. Likewise, in her background, she had the chance to participate in numerous projects that contributed to the analysis, formulation, and evaluation of public policies, dissemination of knowledge, and strategic partnership building.
With an exuberant personality, our COO adds a feminine and creative touch, her multi-tasking organization skills, and strong but compassionate leadership to QXote’s initiatives, helping us go further in the challenges we sign up for in a fun and pleasurable way.